Ha. That was a major blog FAIL. I certainly did not update every day for one month straight. I really did try and I promise I thought about my blog on a daily basis. (It was hard not to, considering I would get one word emails from my husband that simply said "BLOG". My public is so demanding.) In my defense (because I feel like I should have excuses and you should hear them), December was crazy busy! Work was so exhausting, mentally and physically, that I could hardly do more when I got home than eat dinner, watch television, and wait for the clock to read an acceptable time for me to go to bed. (We've discussed this before, remember? Being a bookseller is WAY more than just finding a book for a customer and handing it to them with a smile. It's usually deciphering their unintelligible clues about the book they swear they saw here a month ago, geniusly figuring it out, and then handing it to them with a grimace because they inevitably don't thank you. *sigh*) My inlaws were here for Christmas which was awesome and then I went back to Ohio to celebrate the New Year with my parents and siblings. I spent every day with my adorable niece who melts my heart every time she calls me "Shoooe" and asks me to put "more bows!" in her hair. I had a great time seeing my siblings and their spouses and being with my family reminds me of how much I miss having them all in the same state. And speaking of adorable, I visited with my best friend and finally met baby Lucas. (I plan on Lucas marrying my daughter PLEASE GOD LET ME HAVE A DAUGHTER so my best friend and I can complete our plan of being together forever.) We also watched the Ohio State bowl game. And as I've been saying pretty much all season (Thanks a lot, Buckeyes. Thanks.A.Lot.), I don't want to talk about it.

Even though it was 80 degrees back in the land of palm trees,
I didn't mind being in the freezing cold and snow as long as I can be home.
So now I'm back in the aforementioned land of palm trees. It's 2012, the year my husband finally comes home. We've almost hit the five month mark and I can't believe how quickly time has gone. (Thank you, Lord Jesus!) Work is back to normal (and by normal, I mean s-l-o-w which is only nice because it means I actually have time to get my 42 projects done.) The apartment is back to being inhabited by two, Mateo and his mama. We're enjoying the peace and quiet, but it does get a little lonely from time to time. I've packed away everything red and green and shoved it all back into their respective boxes. (That includes the Christmas tree. And when I say "shoved", I mean shoved...and sat on and mauled and stained with blood due to a flesh wound on my right hand. There may be a very unhappy husband when he sees the sad state of the tree and box now in the garage.) The next holiday to prepare for is Valentine's Day which I will probably be spending with friends, eating heart-shaped cookies and drinking champagne. That's the current plan anyway. And the holiday after that? Well, it may not be on your calendar, but it's on mine...

Tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ol'...palm tree!
(We don't know the exact day and they could always decide
to send him home in May instead, but still...
Fingers crossed for R&R in less than two months!)
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