Monday, May 28, 2012

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.*

I'm going to consider this a post contributed by a very special "guest blogger"- my husband. He posted this on his facebook in honor of Memorial Day and I felt it was more than worthy of a share. I'm so proud of him and so thankful to call him mine. I know this day is the "unofficial start of summer". I know you're having barbecues and laying out by the pool and enjoying your extra day off from work. But, as my husband states at the end of this post..."Just remember". (And I'll even add a "please" to that.) Just remember.
There is a memorial wall near my office here in Afghanistan where pictures document all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice while serving under the last three Regimental Combat Teams that have served here. It is a visual representation that things are much better than they were three years ago, but it also serves as a reminder of what we have paid to get here.

If you do not know someone to remember this Memorial Day, I ask you to Google two of my friends and take a moment in their remembrance. Captain Jesse Melton - he was a fantastic person, Marine, and a great friend who I had the honor to know while I was at a school for officers in the Marine Corps. He gave his life in 2008 in Afghanistan. Sergeant Kevin Balduf - he was a Marine's Marine who served with me in Afghanistan in 2004 and was awarded a Bronze Star for his actions that saved many soldiers. He gave his life in 2011 in Afghanistan, again as a man of action, and I'm certain he saved many lives that day as well.

It has been a long war; some have forgotten why we are here and others ask if it is worth the cost. I cannot answer that for everyone, but I wish to provide a glimpse of what is really happening here. I travelled through the poorest countryside of Afghanistan, the place where the Taliban began many years ago and resurged in 2007. That is where I saw an 8 year old girl who was dressed in traditionally Afghan garb, full of smiles, and was dancing on the side of the road as we passed by in our convoy. Some may not understand what that truly means, but she will be the unknowing beneficiary to the sacrifice Jesse and Kevin have made.

Enjoy your families, friends, food and the start of summer; just remember.

Semper Fi!
(Additional comments from a father of one of our 3/5 Marines.)
*This is a line from an ode called "Ode of Remembrance" taken from the poem "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon. Look it up.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Land of the free because of the brave.

Memorial Day weekend is coming up and I think it's fairly obvious how I feel about our troops and the sacrifices they make for our country. (If it hasn't been obvious then this has been a total blog FAIL.) I won't go on (...and on) about how this weekend is more than just getting an extra day off from work (not that retail closes down for anything) or having a barbecue with the family (not that picnics aren't awesome). It's an important reminder of those who have fought for our freedom and lost their lives in the battle. And to never forget that there are still those fighting and protecting and living far, far away from their families (and adorable kitties) in order to make this world a better place. I don't care who you vote for or how you feel about this war. (Well, I do, but let's not fight, okay?) But I absolutely care that you support the troops. I care a lot.

'cause, obviously, we love America at this house.

I probably spent more on this pillow than necessary.
(...but it's so pretty!)

My grandma made this bicentennial quilt, which is
handy because my husband was a bicentennial baby.

Our little patriotic corner.

 Does a Marine live here? I would say so.

Red, white, and blue kitty.

"...the emblem of the land I love.
The home of the free and the brave."

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Retreat, hell! (...but maybe a little.)

Alright. I'm over it. Are you happy now, deployment? I've finally admitted it: I'm done with you. It was fun for awhile. I could watch whatever I wanted to on television without the exasperated sighs from a bored husband. I could spread out in bed and fidget without disturbing anyone. If I wanted to have popcorn for dinner, there was no one around to demand "real food". I didn't even mind the nights where the house was totally quiet and I could read to my heart's content. But now? DONE. I'm done with the frozen chicken nuggets for dinner because I don't feel like making a big meal just for myself. I'm done with the big, empty bed that never seems comfortable. I'm done with handling all the paperwork, bills, taxes, housing issues that I plead total ignorance on because I never had to deal with them before. (Did I almost just cry on the phone with the IRS agent because I'm so over dealing with things I don't understand and every word coming out of his mouth sounded like one of Charlie Brown's teachers? Quite possibly.) I'm even done with the quiet house with no one to talk to, except for my kitty who never stops meowing. And let's face it, I don't speak cat as well as he thinks I do.

I just want my husband to come home. I'm bored. I'm lonely. I'm tired of the same old thing day after day. Yes, I have friends. Yes, I leave the house for more than just work. Yes, I have a pretty full life without my husband. It's just not the same kind of life. There are days when I think about how much more fun I could be having if he were around. I hate coming home after a bad day at work and having no one to talk to about it. Sometimes I just need a hug from my husband. (Hence, the compulsion to hug every Marine on base.) And a kiss would be nice, too. (But definitely not one from the Marines on base.) Not to mention, can I be a totally spoiled (and maybe a smidge obnoxious) girl for just a second? (...Thank you.) I'm tired of buying my own dinner. And paying for my own movie ticket. And buying every.single.thing this life requires in order to have a good time living it. (You know, important stuff, like clothes and shoes and ice cream).

I'm not beaten by any means, but I'm definitely out of the fight. The first (almost) nine months were just fine and I was living life as it came on a day to day basis. It was truly a worthwhile lesson in realizing my own strengths and abilities. (Which are pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.) But these remaining three months? Over yesterday, if I had my druthers. (Weird word, but I like it so it stays.)

Faster, faster, faster!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Two is better than one.*

This is my husband.

 He's pretty much my hero.

The Marine Corps moved us to Southern California
soon after we married. It was the best thing that
could have happened to us.

We've been all over the world together.
From the South of France...
 (That's our cruise ship docked in Cannes.) Italy... Spain... Croatia.

Today is his birthday and he's far, far away from home.
This time, without me.
(Which is totally fine. I don't like the desert. Or bombs.)

Mateo and I know he's doing important work,
but we miss him nonetheless.

Because we're happiest when we're together.

And in 100 days, we'll be together again
and we'll celebrate everything he's missed.

Happy Birthday, my husband!
I love you and can't wait
for you to come home.

*Song by Boys Like Girls. Also, our first dance at our wedding reception. Speaking of which, we also just celebrated our two year anniversary on May 1. It's been the best two years of my life! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Blessed are his children after him.

This is my daddy. He's had my back
(and I've had his) for a long time now.

He's the leader of our family and
a wonderful Christian example of
what a good husband and father should be.

This man can tell a story, whether he's
being interviewed in front of the White House
or just holding court in the family room.

I don't know who gripped who harder. Walking down that aisle
to leave the first man I ever loved, to go to the next man
I would love forever, was a moment I'll never forget.

Even though he had to give me away, he'll never really be rid of me.

As I left for my new home with my new husband,
he told me what he's always told me:
"Don't forget, your daddy loves you." 

And seeing him as a PopPop to my precious little niece,
reminds me that I had the best daddy ever growing up.
I can't wait to make him a PopPop to one of my own little babies.

"You're beautiful baby from the outside in
Chase your dreams but always know the road that will lead you home again
Go on, take on this whole world
But to me you know you'll always be...
my little girl."
(Tim McGraw, "My Little Girl, father/daughter dance at my reception)

Happy Birthday, dad! I love you and I'm so proud to be your daughter.