Yesterday was the 236th birthday of the Marine Corps and today is Veterans' Day. Normally, this would be the time of year my in-laws would visit and we would all get gussied up for the Marine Corps Birthday Ball. (Or the Marine Prom, as I like to call it. It makes me giggle. The husband says, "The Marine Corps isn't funny." I believe there's humor in everything.) It's basically the same thing: guys getting all dressed up in their finest, girls trying to outdo each other in sparkliness, loud music, crazy dancing, and a lot of "Really? He brought
her?" But, sure, there are some differences. The Birthday Ball has Generals giving long (often boring) speeches, a video of Marines in far-off places (which, really, I'm pretty sure they show the same video every.single.year), a giant cake being cut with a sword (Okay, that's actually cool. We even did that at our wedding.), a lot more weapons, and a lot more shiny medals. I like to say if you've seen one Marine Prom, you've seen them all. And I've seen
a lot over the years.
Our first Marine Corps Birthday Ball, 2002.
(Apparently, I needed really blonde hair for such an occasion.)
Photo session before the Prom, 2006.
My inlaws get in on the action.
"Once a Marine, always a Marine."
This is how we roll in SoCal.
Now, don't get me wrong. I actually enjoy attending the Birthday Ball every year and I'm a little sad to be missing it for the first time since Dan's last deployment six years ago. I love buying a pretty formal gown. (Does my husband attempt to convince me that I can wear the same dress twice? Yes. Does he tell me about the dress swaps the wives have on base? Yes. Do I allow him to take away my excuse to shop? No. No, I do not.) I have enough pairs of sparkly high heels to last me through a lifetime of Birthday Balls, but I'll use any excuse for new shoes. But most importantly, I love seeing my husband in uniform. Not only does he look handsome, but it reminds me of the kind of man I married. It's the courage he has to do his job, whether he's on the homefront or Over There. I see the dedication he has to his country and the hard work he's done over the last 10+ years to get promoted all the way to Major. I love meeting new Marines and old Marines and other spouses who can relate to everything I'm saying. (Moves from one coast to the other...and then back, long separations, camouflage all over the house,, cats...forgetting they even had a dad in the first place.) It's a necessary event for Marine families to gather together and remember there is fun to be had and important work to be done.

I'll even leave a Buckeye football game already in progress
to attend the Birthday Ball.
It also reminds me that there are men and women fighting for our freedom all the time, all over the world. I may not know their names or see their faces, but I know they're there and our world is better for it. Would I want all wars to be over and my husband to be home? Absolutely. But we do not live in a perfect world and it will never be perfect until Jesus returns. And because I don't think that's happening anytime soon (I would still like to have children, Lord! Wait just a little bit longer, mmkay?), I'm SO thankful we have people volunteering to protect our freedoms.
Awesome people like this.
You're welcome, America.